Evolving Competitive Environment for FSS Operators Forces Adaptation

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to Euroconsult’s newly-published report, the size of the FSS market has been relatively stable over the last five years ($11.3B), but behind this total significant changes have played out. The market share of the top four operators has gradually eroded to 60%, while three new companies (YahSat, Thaicom and Insat) have joined the top ten. Twelve new players have emerged in the past five years including three in 2017 (BRI, BulgariaSat and Telebras) for a total of 46 revenue-generating operators at year-end 2017.

Euroconsult’s Latest Report Targets Satellite Value Chain – 2017

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – Euroconsult’s latest report,brings together a selection of key trends and indicators on supply and demand from Euroconsult’s latest reports complemented by additional dedicated research on the commercial satellite business to give a snapshot of the commercial satellite value chain. Along with the introductory/overview section, the report includes sections on satellite manufacturing & launch services, satellite communications, Earth observation, and satellite navigation.

Earth Observation Data & Services Market in 2026: $8.5 Billion, with Potential to Reach $15 Billion

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to the 10th edition of Euroconsult’s report the Earth Observation (EO) data and services market should reach $8.5 billion by 2026 based on current growth trajectories. An alternative value-added services (VAS) model also presented has a combined market potential of $15 billion. This upside model considers the implications of new supply solutions being able to open further markets. As well, advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning are expected to benefit the sector, acting as enablers for new solutions based on change-detection analytics.

$30 Billion/Year Over Next Decade to Manufacture & Launch ~300 Satellites Annually

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to the 20th edition of the report, Euroconsult anticipates that 300 satellites with a mass over 50 kg will be launched on average each year by 2026 for government agencies and commercial organizations worldwide. This is a threefold increase over the past decade as the satellite market experiences a paradigm shift with the rise of small satellites and mega constellations, such as that of OneWeb.

L-Band Satellite Operators Need to Reposition

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to Euroconsult’s latest report, the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) market will grow from 4.3 million terminals in 2016 to more than 12 million terminals by 2026. M2M/IoT (machine-to-machine, Internet of Things) devices will have a significant share in this subscriber growth, while their contribution to operators’ revenues should be more limited. MSS wholesale revenues are expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.2% between 2016 and 2026, driven by MSS aero broadband demand, M2M/IoT applications and other services increasingly addressing lower-end segments and emerging regions, such as the promising small boats segment.

Euroconsult Honors Outstanding Achievement with 14th Annual Awards for Excellence in Satellite Communications

Paris – Euroconsult, the leading global consulting firm specializing in space markets, announced the recipients of its 14th Annual Awards for Excellence in Satellite Communications on the occasion of the World Satellite Business Week, its annual senior executive event, the 21st edition of which took place in Paris from Sept. 11 to 15. These annual awards recognize companies and their management for their outstanding accomplishments in the satellite sector. Winners are chosen by a panel of industry experts from Euroconsult, SpaceNews, and SatelliteFinance who assess candidates using rigorous qualitative (Innovation, strategic decisions, impact) and quantitative (Financial performance indicators, such as EBITDA and revenue growth or subscriber growth) criteria.

Euroconsult Honors the Most Promising Start-Ups with the Finspace Awards

Paris – Awards were presented to the five most promising start-ups, as selected by an independent jury, during the FinSpace cocktail reception at the annual Euroconsult Summit for Satellite Financing which brings together the leading decision makers of the satellite enabled business sector. FinSpace is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), the Portuguese Funding Agency for Science and Technology, and Raymond James.

Transitional FSS Industry Adapting, Innovating to Spur Recovery

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to the 24th edition of Euroconsult’s report, due to be published later in September, the FSS industry is in the midst of unprecedented change, with the dramatic downsizing of traditional pricing leading to decreasing revenues for many in the sector and the possibility of major restructuring or consolidation on the horizon.

$30 Billion Market Value for Small Satellites over Coming Decade

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – According to Euroconsult’s latest report, significant expansion in terms of capabilities and demand is underway in the smallsat market. Over 6,200 smallsats are expected to be launched over the next ten years, a substantial augmentation over that of the previous decade (several mega constellations are now included within the scope of this report). The smallsat market from 2017-2026 will be driven by the roll-out of multiple constellations accounting for more than 70% of this total, mainly for commercial operators.