Euroconsult and Spacetec Partners Merge to Form Novaspace

Two prominent space consulting players, Euroconsult and SpaceTec Partners, are merging after three years of increasingly successful collaboration, to shape the future of the space sector with unparalleled expertise and strategic insights. This merger creates Novaspace, a powerhouse in professional services dedicated to the space industry. 

New historic high for government space spending mostly driven by defense expenditures

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, December 19th, 2023. The leading strategic space consulting and market intelligence firm Euroconsult has released the 23rd edition of its annual Government Space Program report confirming the growing financial efforts achieved by governments in the space sector. Keen to capitalize on the expanding space economy and to further strengthen their sovereign capabilities, government space expenditures have increased to $117 billion, a 15% increase compared to last year.  

Four tons of satellites to be launched daily by 2032, demand concentrates by a handful of players

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, December 12th, 2023. Euroconsult, a recognized leader in satellite industry market intelligence, announces the release of its highly anticipated 26th edition flagship report, “Satellites to be Built and Launched. This edition forecasts an average of over 2,800 satellites launched annually – equivalent to 8 satellites per day and totaling a mass of 4 tons – between 2023 and 2032. The report sheds light on the long-term dynamic of the satellite market, emphasizing sustained demand, the concentration of NGSO constellations, and the seismic shifts caused by a handful of mega constellations, with a particular focus on the short-term bottleneck faced by established vendors.

Global market for commercial Earth Observation data and services to reach $7.6 billion by 2032

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, November 28, 2023. As global economic landscapes continue to navigate challenges posed by inflation, geopolitical tensions, and the residual effects of pandemic-related disruptions, the Earth Observation (EO) market is undergoing a transformative phase, reflecting both setbacks and opportunities for industry players worldwide.

Soaring ground segment market forecast to reach cumulative value of $80 billion by 2032 

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, November 7, 2023 – The latest Ground Segment Market Prospects (04th Edition) from Euroconsult, leading space consulting and market intelligence firm, reveals promising trends in the ground segment market from 2023 to 2032. However, the situation is concentrated, regarding the considered market segments.

Euroconsult and ICEYE to lead AEGIS² consortium for the future of European Earth Observation

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, October 11, 2023. A recent request by the European Commission for feasibility study proposals exploring the best way to implement a future satellite-enabled Earth-Observation service for government-authorized users at EU and EU Member States has resulted in the creation of a groundbreaking Earth Observation (EO) consortium. The collaboration, named AEGIS² (Advanced European Governmental Innovative ISR Secured Service), is made up of 15 members representing eight European countries, under the leadership of Euroconsult and ICEYE, aiming to investigate innovative, secured, and sustainable solutions for the future European Union’s Earth-Observation governmental service.

Satellite Industry Experts Forecast In-Flight Connectivity Demand to Soar

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, October 03, 2023. A report published by leading space consulting and market intelligence firm, Euroconsult, focusing on In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) for air travel has highlighted a second consecutive year of strong growth, with over 36,000 commercial and business aviation aircraft now equipped with onboard internet access. The new study marks the 11th edition of an annual report entitled ‘Prospects for In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity’ and predicts this number to grow steadily over the coming years, to almost double by 2032, as part of an overall market that could see service revenues reach as high as $3.4bn.

Lunar ambitions boost space exploration funding as investment set to reach $33 billion by 2032

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama, Sydney, October 02, 2023. Lunar exploration is the catalyst behind an unprecedented surge in the space exploration sector which saw global government investment rise to an impressive $26 billion during 2023. Ambitious lunar missions are projected to boost investment to nearly $33 billion by 2032, a growth trajectory which underscores lunar exploration’s pivotal role in shaping the future of space exploration. The figures are revealed in the just published fourth edition of Euroconsult’s ‘Prospects for Space Exploration’ report.