Euroconsult Report Recognizes a Turning Point For FSS Operators

Paris and Montreal –Euroconsult, the leading international research and analyst firm specialized in the satellite communications sector, today announced the findings of its most recent study of fixed satellite services. Company Profiles, Analysis of FSS Operators, now in its 5th edition, is the only report available worldwide which provides in-depth profiles of all 38 currently-active FSS satellite operators, plus nine companies that will launch commercial satellites in the near future. Through these detailed profiles, Euroconsult provides insight into individual operators and paints a picture of the overall market. 2011 was a particularly important year for FSS operators as a number of countries announced their national satellite systems and several historically hot geographic markets such as Afghanistan and Africa saw decrease in business due to political changes or the arrival of fibre networks.” said Wei LI, Senior Consultant at Euroconsult. “As the result, FSS operators are becoming “smarter” in investing their space assets. We see a number of partnerships, co-shared satellite, and hosted payload announced in the last 18 months.”

Euroconsult to Participate in GVF Maritime Insights Europe 2012

Paris and Montreal – Euroconsult, the leading international research and analysis firm specialized in the satellite and telecommunications sectors, has announced that Richard Roithner, Director of Satcom, will be speaking at the upcoming conference on Maritime Insights Europe 2012: Expanding Communications with Fixed & Mobile Networking Solutions to Further Horizons, to be held in London on June 27 and 28, 2012.

Hosted Payloads Report Sheds Light on Government & Industry Requirements

Paris and Montreal – Euroconsult, the leading international research and analysis firm specialized in the satellite & space sectors, today announced the launch of its latest research report, “Hosted Payloads: The View From Within.” Following discussions with the Hosted Payload Alliance (HPA), Euroconsult decided to pursue development of the report in order to identify and assess corresponding and conflicting perspectives from the key stakeholder groups directly involved in hosted payload programs. Based on an exhaustive survey, the views of eight key stakeholder groups were examined on the basis of risks, opportunities, challenges and requirements related to hosted payloads. “We have completed more than 40 interviews with both industry and government representatives for our stakeholder survey and five in-depth case studies on U.S., European and Asia-Pacific hosted payloads,” said Susan Irwin, President of Euroconsult USA. “Our interview respondents were well-positioned to provide insights, as 84% have been directly involved in a hosted payload program. Moreover, of these programs nearly half have already been launched, so they were able to discuss the full life cycle from planning to service operation.”

Emerging Markets Sustain Robust Growth for Satellite TV Platforms

Paris – Euroconsult, the leading international research and analysis firm specialized in the satellite & broadcasting sectors, announced today that the satellite pay-TV industry reached revenues close to $90 billion in 2011, up from $79 billion in 2010. Global industry revenues are expected to reach close to $150 billion in 2021, with emerging markets (i.e. Latin America, Central Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Asia) representing a growing share of revenues that will nearly double over the next ten years to reach 44% by 2021.

Leading Government Space Programs Under Strong Budget Pressure

Paris and Montreal – Euroconsult, the leading international research and analysis firm specialized in the space sector, today announced that global budgets for space programs have reached a plateau of roughly $70 billion, confirming a slowdown in expansion experienced by the space industry for the last 10 years. According to Euroconsult’s new report “Profiles of Government Space Programs: Analysis of 60 Countries & Agencies,” Space programs received a short-term boost in recent years from several governments to counter the economic crisis. However, they must now undergo even more stringent budget constraints exemplified by the European public debt crisis and the U.S. Budget Control Act of 2011. In addition, the decrease of global funding for space programs is also the consequence of the inherently cyclical nature of public investment in certain space applications and programs, particularly when related to the procurement of operational systems. New leading and emerging space programs in Asia, Latin America and Middle East/Africa will represent the first budget growth driver confirming a changing environment for the global space sector.

Maritime Satellite Communications Market Tops 5.5% in Terminal Growth, $1.4 Billion in Revenues

Paris & Montreal – Euroconsult, the leading international research and analysis firm specializing in the satellite and space sectors, today forecast that the number of satellite communications terminals in the global maritime market will nearly double over the next decade, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% over the 10-year period. While MSS terminals are still expected to account for the majority of terminals deployed over the decade, VSAT service providers should gain significant market share in terms of revenue in the coming 10 years.

Satellite Industry Growth To Continue Despite Challenging Environment

Paris and Montreal – Euroconsult, the leading international consulting and analyst firm specializing in the satellite and space sectors, announced today that it expects prospects for the satellite industry to remain favorable over the decade in a variety of areas. The next ten years should see continued growth for commercial markets, while at the same time stagnating growth for government spending should be expected at least through mid-decade.

Earth Observation Industry Remains Buoyant Despite Challenging Economic Environment

Paris and Montreal – Despite ongoing budget cutbacks and measures of fiscal restraint, governments will continue to drive the Earth observation (EO) industry over the coming decade through new satellites and a growing demand for data. According to Euroconsult, the leading international research and consulting firm specialized in the satellite sector, the expansion in EO satellite missions impacts the entire value-chain, from manufacturing to data supply and services for an ever-growing number of end-users. Geographical expansion will also play a role in future growth as new government initiatives emerge and commercial data distribution networks proliferate across the globe.