Impact of Global Pandemic on Maritime Connectivity Market Reflects Stark Contrast between Sectors

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In its latest report titled, Euroconsult, the world’s leading authority on space and satellite-based applications markets, quantifies the heavy impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on satellite services for the maritime market. With in depth detail on maritime communications market dynamics today and over the next ten years, the research highlights coming opportunities for consolidation and how non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellite constellations will change the playing field.

ESA awards Euroconsult and ESPI with study on the future of European space transportation

Paris – Euroconsult has been commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) to conduct a study on the future of the European space transportation sector. Euroconsult, the leading global consulting firm specializing in space markets, has partnered with ESPI to investigate European institutional mission scenarios for the period beyond 2030 following the ITT on New European Space Transportation Solutions (NESTS).

COVID-19 Impact on Smallsat Market Mitigated by Funding Availability, Government Support

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – The latest update was released this week by Euroconsult, forecasting further growth in the global supply and demand of government, commercial and academic satellites weighing up to 500 kg. The market intelligence report, now in its 7th edition, builds upon Euroconsult’s previous iteration that accurately predicted more than 1,000 satellites would be launched during 2020, a record year despite COVID-19. The new release further reinforces the sentiment that the 2020s will be the decade of small satellites, anticipating the launch of close to 14,000 smallsats before 2030.

Satellite on track to provide broadband access to over 100 million people by 2029

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In its first ever report on Euroconsult, the world’s leading authority on space and satellite-based applications markets, forecasts that the global market for satellite broadband is expected to triple with service revenues reaching $12.7 billion by 2029. With 46 percent of the world’s population still unconnected, satellite broadband remains key to bringing essential services to sparsely populated regions where extending terrestrial networks is not economically feasible.

TerraMetric and Euroconsult sign Preferred Strategic Partner Agreement

Orlando, Florida : Paris, France – Global space business development firm TerraMetric and Euroconsult, the leading global consulting firm focused on space, and satellite-enabled markets, have entered into a Preferred Strategic Partnership agreement. As part of the cooperation, TerraMetric and Euroconsult will collaborate in a wide range of comprehensive capabilities.

Space economy valued at $385 billion in 2020, with commercial space revenues totaling over $310 billion

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In its latest research product Euroconsult estimates that the consolidated space economy, including both government space investments, as well as commercial space, totaled $385 billion in 2020, a record amount. Commercial revenues of $315 billion in 2020 were down 2% from 2019’s $319 billion evaluation, due partially to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting certain commercial markets – in particular satellite communication sub-segments focused on high mobility such as, aero, maritime, offshore oil and gas, though other factors, such as video-related revenues continuing their pre-Covid downward trend contributed to the decrease. Added to these commercial revenues are the $70 billion invested by government space budgets in 2020 (excluding government expenditures on commercial services, counted as commercial revenues), a 10% increase over 2019 government spending. There was no visible impact in 2020 on government space investments as budgets were voted before the pandemic, though the sustainability of these high government space investments post-Covid remains to be seen.

Amid global economic turbulence, governments maintain firm financial commitment to space

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – Amid a tumultuous year for the global economy, government space program budgets maintained their growth trajectories for a fifth consecutive year. Following a period of strong budget tensions between 2010 and 2015, government space sector spending reached its highest recorded point in 2020 according to Euroconsult’s latest flagship research. With Covid-19 having no noticeable impact on government space budgets, the pandemic having occurred with budgets largely already decided, it remains however to be seen, whether governments can sustain these historic budget levels in the future.

No pot of gold in commercial constellations: despite concentrating 70% of satellite demand, to account for only 8% of the global market value in the next decade

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In its latest analysis of satellite manufacturing and launch services, Euroconsult anticipates almost a quintupling in satellite demand in the next decade with an average of 1,250 satellites to be launched on a yearly basis. In comparison to the 260 yearly satellites launched in the previous decade, this skyrocketing number cements the structural changes occurring in the market and the industry, not only in the number of satellites but also in terms of satellite missions and operators, both governmental and commercial.

Global Earth observation manufacturing revenues to top $83b over 2020-2029

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In a new research titled, Euroconsult, the world’s leading authority on space and satellite-based application markets, forecasts that global demand for new Earth observation (EO) satellite systems this decade will result in 2,166 satellites being launched, which is expected to generate close to $83.5 billion in manufacturing revenues. Euroconsult also projects corresponding EO satellite launch revenues to be close to $25 billion for the next decade.

Satellite capacity pricing declines slow, but price pressure expected to increase with new supply entering service in 2023

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama – In its latest research titled,Euroconsult, the leading global consulting firm focused on space and satellite-enabled markets, reported that the dramatic pricing declines of the past five years have slowed as a result of notable slowdowns in new capacity supply additions. However, intense pricing pressure is expected to return in advance of new capacity coming online in the 2022-23 timeframe.