Since 1997, we have been organizing the most prestigious and renowned events and thematic conferences within the space industry, spanning the four corners of the globe, including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Our mission is to bring together the world’s leading decision-makers to benchmark, exchange views, gain valuable market insights, meet existing or potential business partners, and strike important deals.
Our Global Executive Summits.
Over the years, our summits have developed a reputation as must-attend events where key leaders from across the value chain come together to shape the future of the industry. Join us at Novaspace Summits and be part of the conversations that drive the space sector forward.
Space Defense and Security Summit
Asia Satellite Business Week
Perspectives Spatiales
Middle East Space Conference
Content Partner
Novaspace, beyond organizing events, serves as a trusted Content Partner, elevating industry gatherings. Discover our pivotal role in shaping events and explore collaboration opportunities while meeting our team at this year’s events.